May 6, 2012


Ok... so I've been kinda lazy about the blog lately... I haven't updated the back pages like I promised... and I totally apologize... but it's been BANANAS lately... shirts, zumbathons, events... it has seemed neverending...

and if you know me... i'm a stickler for research.  I don't want to post something without doing the background work and that takes a while... so hopefully that will be forthcoming (uh coz my library books are due back soon) after this week's round of zumba events...

so don't give up on me... if you have found something that works for you, WONDERFUL! keep at it!

Summer is here in the South, even though it is only early May... when you are not at Zumba, go outside if you can stand it! Get the kids (and ourselves) away from the TV and game console and go to the park or playground! Just remember to be safe with sunscreen, water, etc...

Til next time.. don't forget to log your intake ZatNE-ers... I know I haven't talked about it in class but I will... promise


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