Get Believin!

Alright all... we all know that weightloss and wellness journey is like a rollercoaster, both on the scale and emotionally... here are some success stories from last year's Slim Down Challenge... so you can see that it is doable and it does work... all you have to do is work hard and believe!

June 2011

When Angela first asked me to write something for the Zumba Newsletter, my first thoughts were “what am I going to write”, “how can I influence someone to Zumba”, “who would want to hear from me?”.  Knowing that I needed to lose weight and exercise, I began my trek to a healthier life style by first joining Weight Watchers in February 2010 and in April 2010, I attended my first Zumba class with a friend who was currently attending and urging me to go with her. Intimidated  by watching Zumba commercials on TV, I was somewhat skeptical that I could even do this type of exercise because, Yes, I was overweight and wasn’t doing any type of exercise currently. Well, how wrong I was!!!  Not only could I do Zumba but enjoyed what I was doing.  I couldn’t do everything that was being taught at the first class I attended but I was moving which was more than I was currently doing. 
                The music was great, the people were wonderful, the encouragement was terrific, and now a year and a half later, I’m still a “Zumbachicka” and enjoying the class more than ever. Zumba is exercise but not the traditional programs  that I was accustom to that required laying on floors, lifting weights, etc – Zumba to me was enjoyment – dancing, moving to the music, and attempting things that I didn’t know I could even do.              
               The one basic of Zumba is that it isn’t traditional, you are there to move and have a good time.  Traditional exercise wasn’t fun and at times on the verge of boredom.  Boredom isn’t even a word that can be associated with Zumba. Yes, it is challenging at times but only requires that you move what you can, in any way that you can and have FUN.  I would encourage anyone to try Zumba just once because you will find it is one of the best classes you will ever attend, get the exercise that all of us need, and have a wonderful time with amazing leaders and fellow ZumbaChickas.  And yes, since February 2010, I have reached my lifetime goal weight at Weight Watchers and have lost 65 lbs. and contribute this to not only my “food program” but my current love of exercise since I found ZUMBA!! 
                                                As the Zumbachickas always say:  Love, Peace and Zumba.
July 2011

            I came about this as trying to find something to do in my spare time. I had wanted to lose weight for a very long time and didn’t have the confidence in myself that I could do it on my own and had thought about surgery. They started a Hip- Hop aerobics class at the hospital and I love to dance so I thought I would try it. This class didn’t last long and soon there was a Zumba class. I loved it and had so much fun!!! I couldn’t  do all the moves but kept moving and soon learned the steps. Next thing I soon noticed that I was losing weight so I thought about watching what I ate. I confided in the girls at work who joined weight watchers and started watching my portions.
 A friend gave me free passes to a gym here and I tried the equipment there and decided it was so boring and not for me. The music and challenging myself to follow along with Zumba was so much fun and more motivational for me. After awhile I went from a size 24/26 to an 8/10.  It never seems like work, but lots of fun, and with Zumba I was able to make a lifestyle change and because of this I am no longer a diabetic. Now my 10 year old granddaughter has joined the party and I have watched her blossom out and not be quite so shy. In fact she helped teach a Zumba with her school teacher and that was amazing. I encourage anyone to try Zumba if just to come and have fun with all the ZumbaChickas.

August 2011

Zumba has truly changed my life forever.  I have been attending Zumba a little over a year now.  In that year I have gone from an overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy person, to a very happy healthy person.  I have lost a total of 51 pounds.  I am not done with my weight loss yet! 
I have been a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic for 25 years.  My blood sugars are better now than they have ever been in the past 25 years.  I am only taking ½ the insulin that I was on a year ago.  I have stopped taking cholesterol medications.  My cholesterol is now “perfect”, according to my endocrinologist.  My joints no longer hurt.  I have so much more energy.  I used to feel like a “slug” with no energy and I never felt I had enough sleep, even after sleeping all night long.  I now have energy and require less sleep to feel well rested.  My husband is happy because I no longer snore and keep him awake.  I am much happier because I look and feel better. 
Through Zumba I have been able to help others.  I work in an OB-Gyn office as a family nurse practitioner.  Patients are always asking me what the best way is to lose weight.  I try to encourage people to be and live healthier.  I am no longer a hypocrite when I tell a person the best way to lose weight is to watch what they eat and be active.  I don’t say exercise because Zumba is much better then any exercise I have ever done.  A patient came to check in a few weeks ago to see me.  She asked our new receptionist if she was seeing me and pointed to my old picture.  Our new receptionist told the patient that the person in the picture no longer worked here.  She did not realize that person was actually me! 
I hope my story will encourage you.  If you have never done Zumba, are just starting Zumba, or if you are an old pro stick with it!  It is so much fun and so rewarding.  I thank God everyday for sending Zumba into my life.  I will forever be changed!     

September 2011

46 Pounds GONE!
I am 46 years-old, I have lost 46 pounds, and I feel like a new person.  I attribute much of my weight loss to the fabulous exercise dance-party called Zumba.  Since last September, I have been going to Zumba 3 times a week.  Of course, I have also been doing other things like counting my calories using the SparkPeople app on my phone, eating 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day, and walking.  But the majority of my weight was lost because I LOVE going to Zumba so much.
  The mantra “Lifestyle Change” is repeated over and over by weight loss programs.  Exercise, Nutrition, and Sleep are the key components of your lifestyle.  Lifestyle just means consistency.  My success has been achieved by knowing how to make myself consistently get enough exercise, good nutrition and sleep.  Here are the keys to the key components of lifestyle changes!

Exercise:  Love your exercise
The key to exercising consistently is to REALLY enjoy what you are doing.  If you hate the treadmill, then don’t do it.  Otherwise, it will always be something you dread.  Personally, I have found that any exercise I do while moving to my own beat and listening to fun music is enjoyable for me.  Right now, that includes walking/running outside with my iPod, and Zumba classes.  Exercising consistently has elevated my mood, made me feel sexy again, makes me want to eat nutritious foods, and gives me the energy to spend more quality time with my twin girls.
 It’s amazing how just one hour of exercise changes my whole outlook.  Each night I return from Zumba, I say to my husband, “I feel great!  Exercise makes a huge difference in my life”.   This has truly been the cornerstone of my weight loss efforts.   The time passes so quickly.  When Zumba class is finished each night, I have burned over 600 calories.  Once I get my body to Zumba class, the music and enthusiasm take over my psyche.  It’s like I get an adrenaline injection.  I make every move count, sweat pouring down, face turning red, looking ridiculous but not embarrassed at all, pushing myself to finish each dance as well as I can, and enjoying every moment of it.

Nutrition:  Plan for stress
This is the second biggie.  I know that my nutrition and my emotions are all tied up together.  Stress leads me to the refrigerator or snack machine or the fast food line.  The key to combating the stress eating is planning.  First, have foods in the house (or with you when you travel) that you enjoy and are nutritious (for me, Baby-Bel Lite cheese, milk, raspberries, red pepper slices, healthy trail mix with soy nuts, whole wheat bread with peanut butter).  Eat before you are too hungry, measure your foods until you know serving sizes in your brain, and count every calorie.  Second, plan for activities other than food/alcohol to reduce your stress (for me, bubble baths, decorating magazines, watching HGTV, Zumba, walking, reading, gardening, music).  Lastly, if there are foods that you really love, eat them (for me, ice cream, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, cashews, chocolate, lasagna).  Just do it in moderation, and count those calories.  And don’t accept any substitutes because they won’t satisfy you.  You’ll find that when you are eating nutritious foods consistently, some of your favorites will make you feel sick if you eat too much.
Sleep:  Get exercise and nutrition under control
Good sleep falls into place naturally when exercise and nutrition are under control.  I was getting my 8 hours of sleep before I lost weight, but it wasn’t quality sleep.  Since I slimmed down, I sleep a million times better.  I was plagued by acid reflux disease, insomnia and terrible allergies before losing weight.  All those symptoms have been alleviated.  My body is truly happy and tired by the time I go to sleep at 9:45 pm.  It’s miraculous, really.  There is a natural rhythm that my days and nights have achieved since the exercise and nutrition have fallen in place.  My body needs that quality sleep to heal the muscles that I have agitated when I exercise.  The type of foods and the amounts that I eat don’t leave me over-full with heartburn at night.  I can breathe.  The blood circulates through my arms and legs even with my body weight resting on them.  I sleep like a baby now unless my exercise and nutrition keys are out of whack.

 What’s Next
 I still have 45 pounds to go to be at my personal “ideal weight”.  Even though my BMI still indicates that I am obese on the charts, I don’t let the scale stop me from doing what I want to do.  Whatever the situation, my brain tells me that I am a healthy person that makes healthy choices.  Do the healthy thing unless you plan the unhealthy thing - haha.  I have no other choice because I don’t ever want to go back to that unhappy lump that I was.  I want to live life to the fullest.
  With this change in attitude, there is no real end to my journey even if I reach my ideal weight.  My challenge will be to forgive myself for slip-ups, knowing that one over-eating binge does not make me a failure.  I think about my lessons learned after these incidents, and determine why it happened and focus on how badly it made me feel later.  This constant learning about myself helps me avoid the same mistake in the future.  It is so exciting for me to watch the changes in myself, emotional and physical.  This time I am doing it for real, in my own time-frame, because I understand the underpinnings of each of the key success factors for my weight loss.  Watch me!

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