It is a few weeks into the Lenten season. It is a time of reflection and sacrifice. Most people that know me know I do not wear my faith on my sleeve. Some would even say I am anti-religion. Those that really know me know that is far from the truth. I mostly keep it to myself. I was raised in a mixed religion home, both Jewish and Catholic. An interesting combo, but effective in leaving me with an open mind. I let this open minded thinking permeate my life. I'm willing to try anything once... not saying that I am not afraid... but I was given this one life... so why not take some risks??

The one thing I have been taking too many risks with is my health. I've been on this weight loss/gain roller coaster for a while now... and its really hard to get off the ride. Yea the trend over the past few years has been downward, but not to where its considered healthy... Too many temptations... because... well quite honestly... I LOVE food... I love to cook as well as eat food... I love having my friends over, cooking for them, and seeing them happy because it taste good (and because they possibly wouldn't have tried it except in my house).... And you all know that feeling... that closed eyed, euphoria that comes when you take a bite of deliciously perfect chocolate cake or super comforting chicken pot pie... Yummo.

I couldn't bring myself to give my love for food away. So I started exercising more. And with my little experiment (see maybe a couple posts ago), I've found that it really isn't enough to just exercise all the time. Yea your body starts to change... but it really isn't quite there... You HAVE to eat better... maybe not letting go of good food, but just finding better ways of getting the food you love. Its like the picture says... I'm not here to be better than anyone else... I'm saving my life. I'm trying to be the best me I can be... because I was given this one life. And I owe it to those who love me, those I love to do this... but most of all myself.
Let me put a little disclaimer on the following paragraphs... I'm not here to tell you how to "diet".. I am simply giving you insight on what has worked for me and hopefully you can use it to make a well informed (i.e. ask your doctor or other health care provider) decision about your own health... so on with the show...
In this second, and hopefully "final", stage of my experiment, I have changed the way I eat (except when I
or my best friend really want a milkshake). I have re-employed the use of MyFitnessPal to, as accurately as possible, record what I eat on a daily basis - weekend and cheat days too. But I have decided, after consulting others, that fresh fruits and veggies (fresh or frozen, but not in sauces) are "free"... Kind of like that plan J.Hudson is promoting... These foods are naturally good for you... so why should they not be free...

As with all things found on the Internet, I was generally skeptical of the number of calories given to me. There was no way anyone could eat that little amount of calories and get all the nutrients they needed. Seriously - people cannot survive on chicken alone as a lean protein... well.. I cant... If you eat any kind of meat, the calories for that alone are in the 180 - 200+ range for a 4 oz serving - depending on the cut! And I'm sorry... there are only so many ways you can have a salad, cook tofu (blachh), and spice up veggies. Cow, pig, chicken, and fish are staples in my diet... but I am making sure to make better choices with them...
By the blessings of the many people I have in my life, I was given this awesome website that houses this simulator made by some folks that are exponentially smarter than me: It gives you the ability enter your current data, then enter your goal weight in however many days (math!), and then pops out a calorie intake goal to achieve that weight goal and then maintain it... then it also allows you to see (simulator part) how changes in your physical activity will change your caloric needs. Super cool. It helped me verify that the MyFitnessPal folks know what they are talking about AND it will help me adjust my caloric intake if I decide to add more cardio (yea if my body can handle it)...

Now to find out your true healthy weight range, you really need to see your doctor. To be in a healthy BMI, at my height, I need to weigh 150-155 lbs... I asked my doctor what she thought about that and she gave me the "are you crazy" look. Seriously she did. Quirked eyebrow and all. She told me that my bone density, ethnicity, and basic body composition effect my weight just as much as my "weight" does. She said that if I was Caucasian, I would weigh 20 lbs less... CRAZINESS!! So please... go see your doctor. Do not let BMI and internet health gurus tell you what's right for you because a lot of the information that is out there is probably (because I am making an assumption) for the masses... and each of us are individuals...
So... it is March (OMG!) and the time to wear less clothing will be upon us soon in NC... do what you can with that time to be the best you can... and if you don't get there right away... no worries... take your time... because anything worth having doesn't come easy... this month's "diet" is next month's body!!
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