Just in case you missed any of the "Lil' Bits".. here they are along with any of the pics or sayings that I put up!
Sunday, March 11th
I was given the link to this great blog from fellow Z-instructor and Holy Yoga instructor Chris Helms. It personifies and amplifies the message of a previous post about relying too much on the scale. It talks about how the number on the scale can totally ruin our day and our mood. It is time to break free of that.
You are so much more than a number - whether it is a number from the scale, a clothing size, or body fat count. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Wednesday, March 7th
Everyone is always short on one thing: Time. We us it as an excuse not to do things... like exercise or read labels or eat as well as we could. Here's a blog/tumblr that gives you some ways to burn calories by making quick choices that could go a long way:
25 Easy Ways to Burn (up to) 500 Calories
Monday, February 27th
Found a link to this blog on Pinterest. Very interesting and has a lot of good
bits and advice on how to make "dieting" easier and how to read the signs of
hunger. Check it out... it may be the kick-start you need! It also provides a
link to an article about the bad things about diet soda... all the more reason
to drink more H2O!http://www.thelondoner.me/2012/01/anti-diet.html
PS... if you're not on Pinterest... get on it... its the best thing since sliced bread.... Facebook is overrated.
PS... if you're not on Pinterest... get on it... its the best thing since sliced bread.... Facebook is overrated.
Friday, February 24th
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