So I haven't been neglecting the blog on purpose. It has been busy AND I haven't really had anything to write about because I don't want to beat the same drum all the time. I can't continue to blog about how you should eat this, not that, exercise more, drink more water, blah blah blah. You all would totally get tired of it. Because it is the same thing we hear all the time about weight loss. We hear success stories about how people have had a miraculous weight loss and have yet to see the same miracle for ourselves. I hate to say it... but we're all family here and this is the truth: It takes time!
The true weight loss successes are those who get the weight off and keep it off. Its about the lifestyle changes that have generated benefits in health, total wellness, and confidence. Let's talk about it in terms of the tortoise and the hare. The hare thought he would win by taking shortcuts. But in the end, slow and steady wins the race. And not to knock taking short cuts. If you feel that is the way you have to go, then by all means. Just remember - it is the lifestyle changes that stick with you. Make sure whatever change you make - its gonna last.
The other main reason why I haven't blogged in a while is because I truly haven't had much inspiration. But now I do. We've all heard that with weight gain comes many problems, especially health problems. Most of you know I have problems with my knees. So I wear knee braces and am trying to lose weight to help my joints and bones out. And recently, we found out a ZChica was told she had to have major surgery, but told she couldn't do it now. The doctor was a tool to her and told her she needed to lose a lot of weight like yesterday. Of course we rallied to her.
I know that doctors know more than we do about what our bodies need. But they don't feed our souls. Sometimes, thier clinical minds work in overdrive and they forget we're human, not just mammals. So now I am inspired. Because our ZChica could have taken this to be it. But no. She's going to fight and Zumba her way through this. And we will be right beside her. I may have lost some inspiration in myself, but when you can't always find it inside, looking outside isn't a bad thing.
So find your inspiration. If not when you look in the mirror, in those around you. Those who love you - those who will dance with you. We're here. Familia.