April 5, 2012

Que Te Mueve?

Motivation is extremely important in our wellness journey, well in any journey.  So I have to ask you... Que te Mueve? What moves you?  And not just the great songs we do in Zumba, not the routines we do, or all the times we yell at you to move that booty.... what moved you to start this wellness journey? what moves you to keep going?

In the process of the journey we sometimes (with me its often, haha, j/k) lose motivation... either because we don't see results fast enough or we are just plain tired or some other thing causes us to lose focus... but in a long term wellness initiative, it is also important to set small "quickly" attainable goals.  For example, Weight Watchers asks you to set a goal for yourself at the beginning.  It usually is 5% - 10% of your current body weight.  It is a small attainable goal that you can keep one eye on while the other eye looks at the bigger picture.  Each small victory is another step closer to the larger goal. 

It is easy for me to sit here and write about goals and making them and keeping them, when in actuality, I know from personal experience, the act of doing these things is so so much more difficult.  Hence why the health/fitness industry is bringing in the big bucks.  There is a diet/plan for everyone with any and every kind of goal you can think of.  Here are a few:

  • Weight Watchers - individuals are given a set number of points based on their weight.  As they reach their target weight, they are under a "lifetime" plan.  It has worked for a lot of people
  • The Paelo Diet - individuals eat as our cavemen ancestors did.  This diet is high in protein (I mean real meat, not that 90% lean stuff), vegetables, and keeps processed sugar down to nil.  I know one person whose family has had major success on this diet.  I will see if she will give me a testimony because it is quite amazing.
  • The Belly Fat Cure/ABs Diet - individuals limit sugars and bad carbs based on science that has shown that these things can make you keep weight around the middle.  Also high in protein
  • South Beach/Atkins - also high protein and low carb
  • Body by Vi - I had to mention this, but it is still new to the weight loss arena.  As far as I know, they are meal replacement shakes that taste great and suppress appetite.  I don't know all the details, but I can hook you up with some folks that can tell you about it if you're interested. 
Now here are some workout programs that are out there:
  • Zumba - of course I had to mention our favorite high intensity-sexy-awesome workout.. haha...
  • P90X, Insanity - not for the faint of heart or weak of joints, but gets results... just be careful... I pinched a nerve doing something in the P90X exercises... but I know quite a few people who have gotten great results from it.
  • the Gym - oh the dreaded gym.  Exercise machines, free weights, weight machines, buff people who are intimidating as heck... yea... you can tell it is not my favorite place... but it also gets results.
I am 100% sure I have missed a whole slew of weight loss programs and workouts, but really... you guys are reading this because of Zumba.  And just like learning the routines in Zumba, a true wellness journey takes work - most of the time it takes hard work... because eating unhealthy is so easy - heck you can drive up to the bad food! All you have to do is keep your butt on the couch to be unhealthy.  

So yea.  Wellness is hard work, because the world makes it so easy to be unhealthy.  But who wants to take the easy road?  I was raised to believe that something I work hard for is so much more rewarding and it will stick with me longer.  It will make such an impression on my life that it will change the very fabric of my being.  That's what moves me.  The fact that I can move forward. That I am not stuck at where I am and I was given the CHOICE to move forward to be a better person, to have good health, to be there for my nephews when they have babies (hopefully when I am old and VERY grey) to spoil, to live a long and healthy life with my husband.  And to have joy.

In every day that we are given, when you are struggling to come to class, when that fast food meal is calling you.. ask yourself one of two things:  What If? and Que te Mueve? The "What if" comes from a previous blog post, but what moves you reaches further than just that moment.   And it doesn't matter what it is... Muevelo!


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