February 28, 2012

Counting Down!

Happy Tuesday!

It seems winter is not content to stay here so we all suffer with sinuses and allergies from the pollen... oh well... get out there and enjoy the weather... try to get some extra cardio in there with walking, running or just playing outside with the kiddos!

Great class last night everyone!!  I totally didn't mean to work our arms that much, but oh well... you'll love me later for it... (hehehe)...  Don't forget your (light) weights tomorrow... we'll be burning those calories with interval training and tone!

Summer Slimdown offcially begins in 2 days! Don't get worried if you haven't got your numbers in, we'll still take them into March.  I'll be bringing in some electronic device that will show you your progress once we get going... and don't forget if you've already been measured to send me your weight and height so that I can calc your BMI - dazumbageek@carolina.rr.com or summerslimdownNE@yahoo.com

Have a great day!!


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