February 22, 2012


Happy Humpday everyone!

Can't wait to see you tonight at Zumba! Hope you are ready to burn some calories coz I've got a great interval playlist that will hopefully help burn some extra calories!  Be sure to plan for enough calories (or points) for your workout and to HYDRATE all day long! Dehydration can lead to fatigue in the muscles and cramps.  And the weather is not helping... I have a feeling that the basement is going to be a little warm today

Tip of the Day!
The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, after you've gone to the restroom, to get rid of any excess waterweight.  So if you prefer not to weigh in at Zumba (just take measurements) then you can email your weight in.  Just be sure to try to weigh on the same day each week or however frequent you decided to do so.  Make sure to include your ID number that you gave when you weighed in.  You can also write it down, take a picture, etc and bring it in.  We'll take your word for it...

See you tonight!


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