February 24, 2012

What Do You Drink?

Lets talk about hydration - and not just your intake during Zumba, but your intake throughout the day.  It seems to be that a lot of people's concern is their mid-section - which is also one of the toughest parts of the body to slim down and train. 

Our bodies are like the Earth - we are made mostly of water.  We lose water throughout the day through urination and sweat during exercise or any other exertion.  There's a reason experts always say drink at least 8 8 oz glasses of water in a day - to replenish what you may lose.  For days you Zumba - take that up at least 2 or 3 more cups of water. 

Situps/crunches and ab routines can only build the abdominals.  The cardio can whittle away at the fat on the bodies - but your intake is what dictates how fast this fat melts away.  The easiest way to cut calories is to watch what you drink.  Unless you are drinking a protein shake, drinks like regular sodas, Southern sweet tea, and overly sugared coffees (hello Starbucks) are giving you several extra empty calories.  When I say empty calories, I mean that they are not satisfying your hunger, just tricking your brain into thinking you've got something on your stomach.

Regular sodas are probably one of the most damaging drinks to a wellness journey.  They are high in sugar and empty calories - which we do not need on our wellness journey The cola companies have gotten smart and made sodas like Coke Zero, Pepsi One, and the list goes on.  These sodas, though have zero calories and zero points, use fake sugars to sweeten their drinks, and we don't want too much of that either.  SO if you must have your soda, opt for a diet or "zero" product instead of the regular.  If you've got the willpower, then cut it out all together.  It will save your calories for those healthy meals and snacks.

I know that most of us cannot live without tea or coffee in some form.  Depending on the drink these also have empty calories.  Here's a link to Starbuck's nutrition guide for drinks: Starbucks Nutrition.  You'll find that the regular drinks start with the cappuccino at 90 calories for a tall (small).  But who really gets a plain cappuccino or latte? Most of us get mochas or carmel machiattos, right? Well those calories and carbs add up.  And once again, they are empty.  Coffee is a diuretic and can help you not feel hungry - but that's when the drink is mostly coffee, not mostly milk - like most lattes.  So if you must have a Starbucks or fancy coffee of some kind, opt for non-fat milk or soy, ask for a "skinny" which means they will use sugar free syrups (yes they have those), and go for a smaller size.  If you want to go native on coffee consumption - then go black with some Splenda. 

I don't really know much about tea, other than sweet tea is one of my favorite drinks!! But caffeine gives me breakouts so I limit all caffeinated drinks.  I know it is a favorite locally, so if you can't live without it, then opt for unsweet tea and add your own sugar or artificial sweetener.  Right now, I'm drinking hot teas in lieu of coffee.  Green and black teas have other good-for you effects on the body.

So to cap it off, limit your intake of "regular" type drinks and find the lowest calorie/fat option you can in your favorite drinks.  If you can, drink water instead of any of these drinks.  Most of the time its a mental thing, they make you think you physically needing the drink.  But definately drink at least 8 cups of water a day, not including any sodas, teas, etc.  Trust me, in the long run (and short), your body will thank you (and so will that waist line).  Oh and take it easy on the alcohol consumption... but that's another topic for another day!

Happy Friday!!

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