I'll give you the lowdown on how this epiphany came to me. Jill and I joined a popular online weight loss program about two weeks ago. Because we have been given a certain number of points per day, we found that within two short weeks we overly criticize everything that we put in our mouths. When deciding what to eat, we always think about how many points it would be. Now, because of this program, we are hyper aware of the food we eat. This is the same kind of thing if you are counting calories and journaling about food. By staying within a certain number of calories (and sticking to it over a period of time) and journaling it, you become highly aware of what you are eating. You have "proof" somewhat of your good and/or bad habits.

As I mentioned up top... awareness is a big deal. Just like acknowledgement. When you acknowledge that you need something - like to lose weight - then you have taken a step in the right direction. You are aware of the need to change... now get to it!
So since you're here, reading my multiple rants, you've taken the next step in your wellness journey and have moved to action... well at least I hope so! .
No class Monday due to the Spring Break - but no slacking! Go to the "Get Groovin" tab and shake that booty!!
Happy Friday! Hope you have an amazing weekend!
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