Have you seen the movie "Letters to Juliet?" If not, this won't give it away - but in the letter that Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) writes to Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) she tells her that the words "what" and "if" are two of the most common words out there. But if you put them together, they become heavy with meaning. How many times do you or have you ask yourself "What if?"
Those words are normally extremely heavy with regret. They can bring to light paths that we did not take - opportunities that we missed. But they can also be a catalyst to change. They can be the words that we use in our lives to change our perception of anything that we do. "What if" can be the deciding factor that causes us to become more aware of what we eat, how we exerercise, and how many times we make excuses for not taking care of ourselves.
So the challenge inside this challenge now is to start asking yourself "what if?"
What if I eat this cheeseburger
what if I don't exercise today or this week
what if I don't get enough sleep
What if I don't drink enough water
Like I keep saying (so much I know you're annoyed), awareness is a big thing. By asking yourself any form of these questions again and again, awareness immediately becomes part of your life. Because I guarantee you that you will feel justified in your decision to make a not so great decision but in the long run you will feel bad for doing it. Then the "what if" becomes laden with regret. Regret that you did not eat healthier and now you feel bad or you've gained back some pounds. Regret that you didn't exercise and feel like you have to work twice as hard to make up for it (maybe) or that you did not lose any weight that week. Regret that you are grouchy during the day because you didn't get enough sleep (as in your own fault, not because you were so busy with kids, family, etc) and the people around you are paying for it. Regret that you don't drink enough water and your body starts to feel like a prune.

So think about the possibilities that asking "what if" can do for you, instead of to you. Most people have enough regrets in their lives. I know I have mine, but I won't bore you with those. Don't add to yours.
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