July 25, 2012


So I apologize (yet again) for being a total slacker on the blog... life has been busy as of late and most of you know that at this moment my NYC fam is in NC for a visit.  So I'm getting a blog post in where I can...

So what we learned from our latest LoseNowNC meeting was that in order for diet (the food you eat/dont eat to lose weight) and exercise success to work, you have to remove the cues that keep you from eating healthy and exercising.  For example... at my house, because of my nephews, we sometimes keep chips and such in the house - but we keep them in the closet so that my hubby and I don't see them.  We keep fruit on the counter top.  In our fridge, we keep cut fruits and veggies right at eye level - so that we are not tempted to open the freezer and pull out the ice cream. 

I know for exercise its a little different... if you're part of the Z-fam, then you've got no worries - except on your off days.  I definately suggest having a backup plan for days you do not Zumba with us.  Maybe do some kind of cardio workout (walking, jogging, biking) for your off days... or you could check out another Zumba class.  There are plenty in the Concord/Kannapolis/Landis/China Grove area at local churches that have relatively cheap classes.  If you already have a pretty good workout schedule, then try to bump it up and add another day or add some resistance training.  You can also spice it up by trying out a new workout class. 

I know it is so hard to keep fighting the weight loss/healthy living fight... but it is something that I think everyone can do.  Unless you have health conditions, then a lot of this journey is mental.  As I've said in previous posts, find your motivation and let it lead your way! You will get there and your Z-Fam is here for you!!

Til next time!

July 4, 2012


So I haven't been neglecting the blog on purpose.  It has been busy AND I haven't really had anything to write about because I don't want to beat the same drum all the time.  I can't continue to blog about how you should eat this, not that, exercise more, drink more water, blah blah blah.  You all would totally get tired of it.  Because it is the same thing we hear all the time about weight loss.  We hear success stories about how people have had a miraculous weight loss and have yet to see the same miracle for ourselves.  I hate to say it... but we're all family here and this is the truth:  It takes time! 

The true weight loss successes are those who get the weight off and keep it off.  Its about the lifestyle changes that have generated benefits in health, total wellness, and confidence.  Let's talk about it in terms of the tortoise and the hare.   The hare thought he would win by taking shortcuts.  But in the end, slow and steady wins the race.  And not to knock taking short cuts.  If you feel that is the way you have to go, then by all means.  Just remember - it is the lifestyle changes that stick with you.  Make sure whatever change you make - its gonna last.

The other main reason why I haven't blogged in a while is because I truly haven't had much inspiration.  But now I do.  We've all heard that with weight gain comes many problems, especially health problems.  Most of you know I have problems with my knees.  So I wear knee braces and am trying to lose weight to help my joints and bones out.   And recently, we found out a ZChica was told she had to have major surgery, but told she couldn't do it now.  The doctor was a tool to her and told her she needed to lose a lot of weight like yesterday.   Of course we rallied to her. 

I know that doctors know more than we do about what our bodies need.  But they don't feed our souls.  Sometimes, thier clinical minds work in overdrive and they forget we're human, not just mammals.   So now I am inspired.  Because our ZChica could have taken this to be it.  But no.  She's going to fight and Zumba her way through this.  And we will be right beside her.  I may have lost some inspiration in myself, but when you can't always find it inside, looking outside isn't a bad thing.

So find your inspiration.  If not when you look in the mirror, in those around you.  Those who love you - those who will dance with you.  We're here.  Familia.


June 19, 2012

Challenge Updates

Check out the new challenge page with updates for the 10 week challenge that started yesterday. I will be posting again later today with more information. 

Sorry for being so lax!! I'll get back on it!


May 27, 2012


So the first challenge is about to draw to a close.  Please remember to submit your weights and measurements, or have them done in class, by the end of the first week in June.  We will announce our winner in the 2nd week. 

The next challenge is a 10 week challenge starting June 18th.  Its relatively easy, but requires commitment. Your instructors have joined MyFitnessPal, a free calorie counter.  There are apps for phones and a website.  It is an online calorie counter, not much different from WW other than it uses calories rather than points.  We all have decided to do the recommended "lose 1 lb per week" selection.

Before you participate in this challenge, especially if you have any reservations or concerns, please talk to your doctor.  There may be things regarding your health that you need to take into account before joining the challenge.

We're doing this challenge to try to help increase awareness regarding consumption. We have found that exercise alone does not get results. You have to eat healthy as much as possible, for multiple reasons that benefit your overall health.   Also, it will give you a few minutes for yourself.  We all are busy with our families, especially now that it is summer, but it is important for us to make time for ourselves.  Entering into your log can be your 5-10 minutes just for you.  It may be stressful at first, espcially, when you see how quickly unhealthy choices add up in the calories, but it will get better!  And you are doing it for yourself; therefore taking care of yourself, and in turn taking care of your family... but we've covered this topic in previous posts... so on to the challenge rules.

The challenge is to log your daily intake and activity for at least 6 days a week for 10 weeks.  The rules are as follows:
  1. Log everything you eat, except for fresh or frozen fruits and veggies - as long as they are not in a sauce, syrup, or other kind of additional flavoring.  This follows the WW formula. We're including this for many reasons, for instance, want you to try to up your intake of healthy carbs (i.e. the natural sugars in fruit), rather than to unhealthy carbs, like a candy bar or something.   If you are not a fan of fruits, try making a protein shake with them.  Angela and I use a great protein shake called Nectar Sweet... it by far tastes the best and has the least amount of calories and fat of all the shakes I've tried.
  2. Get at least 8 cups of water per day.  If you get at $4 sweatproof cup at Walmart, there's at least 4-5 of your glasses right there in one container.  If you work out, try to drink more than that.
  3. Try to get at least 3-5 days of 30+ minutes of cardiovascular exercise where your heart rate is elevated for the 30 minutes.  Now the 30 mins does not include a warm up and cool down.  Try for at least 5 mins on each, including stretching.
  4. Try to incorporate 2-3 days of some weight training/conditioning/yoga.  It doesn't have to be long and intensive, just do something to engage your target areas.  The calendars and supplemental exercises are still great tools.  If you have been following them, then create your own workout that will hit your target spots.  Remember to always warm up a little before doing any conditioning exercise to avoid injury.  Do not lift more than you feel you can. Your muscles should get tired by the end of three sets of 12.  If they do not, increase your resistance.  If they are tired before then, decrease or drop your resistance completely. 
  5. Do not log exercise activity until the day after it is done.  Stick only to your calories for the day and try not to go over.  For example, if you have 1500 calories, then try to intake only those calories. Do not delve into your exercise calories. 
I may have forgotten something, so there may be additions.  Above all we ask you to be honest about your entries - because the only person you cheat by cheating on this challenge is yourself.

There is no "winner," per say, in this challenge, you win if you do it.  All participants who produce a printed log (it doesnt have to be with MyFitnessPal) at the end of the 10 weeks (through the last day of August) will receive a free ZumbaChicas sticker and possibly something else.  To up the ante, we may add a special prize for whomever has the most change in their start/stop measurements/weight. 

I will be providing these guidelines and your instructors usernames in class. You can also private message me through the blog or on Facebook.  We hope to build a small community on the website for our group so that we can support each other.  Jill and I have found that having a buddy makes doing all of this so much easier!

Contact me if you have any questions. I'll be announcing all of this in class. And I promise to be better about the updates to the blog... life has been busy for me the past month or so... so now its kinda resumings its normal pace...


May 6, 2012


Ok... so I've been kinda lazy about the blog lately... I haven't updated the back pages like I promised... and I totally apologize... but it's been BANANAS lately... shirts, zumbathons, events... it has seemed neverending...

and if you know me... i'm a stickler for research.  I don't want to post something without doing the background work and that takes a while... so hopefully that will be forthcoming (uh coz my library books are due back soon) after this week's round of zumba events...

so don't give up on me... if you have found something that works for you, WONDERFUL! keep at it!

Summer is here in the South, even though it is only early May... when you are not at Zumba, go outside if you can stand it! Get the kids (and ourselves) away from the TV and game console and go to the park or playground! Just remember to be safe with sunscreen, water, etc...

Til next time.. don't forget to log your intake ZatNE-ers... I know I haven't talked about it in class but I will... promise


April 29, 2012

You Are What You Eat

On my personal wellness journey, I have found that eating is the hardest thing to control.  Being of Filipino descent, my culture's food is rich and always comes with a side of jasmine rice (and I say jasmine coz that boil-in-bag stuff doesn't cut it at my house).  You can see how this can be somewhat of an eating heaven, uh I mean nightmare, for my wellness journey.  So getting a hold of my diet (what I eat) was essential to my wellness.  The balance between exercise and consumption is pretty much a tightrope. 

And I was on that tightrope for a long time.  No matter what I tried, I couldn't find the right equation between what I ate and how much I exercised that would give me weight loss.  And then I would get frustrated and get off.  Then get on again, and so on and so forth.  It was tiring.  When I enrolled in graduate school, it all got tossed to the back seat. 

So when school ended and I joined WW, it was great.  I was told exactly how much to eat per day and could fill the day with whatever I wanted.  AND I talked to my doctor.  She suggested to try not dipping into any of my extra points (exercise or flex) as much as possible.  So far it has worked great!  I've lost pounds in the double digits since starting about 10 weeks ago... yea that may seem like a long time, but for me, slow and steady wins the race.  As I continued on the journey,  I learned to cook in ways that could satisfy my hubby (he's Filipino too) and help us both around the waist-line.  He, in turn, has accepted what I cook and now we're on the right track.

So you see how important it is to find the right diet (eating and eating for weight loss) for you.  It not only has to suit your body (because some do leave you starving at the end of the day), but it has to suit your life.  It has to fit in with your family, your lifestyle, your budget, etc. 

We are in the final stretch for the Pre-Summer Slimdown.  May and June's focus will be consumption.  If you do not log your daily intake, please start doing so.  Remember - knowing and awareness are very important in any wellness journey! If you are an employee at the hospital, please make use of the LiveWell representative to go over your food intake with you.  Remember, don't cheat.  Write down everything you eat.  Lets do this for about 2 weeks, then start looking to see where there can be improvements. 

Some tips:
1. Personally, I don't recommend totally cutting out your favorite foods.  Remember, everything in moderation.  If you starve yourself off of the things you love, eating will become a chore and you will hate every minute of this challenge.
2. Drink GALLONS of water.  Well not gallons.  Try to get at least 8 8oz glasses per day.  If you drink about 2.5 of those red water bottles given by the hospital, then you've done it.  I have found that I will drink more during the day if I drink it without ice. 
3. Eat fruits and veggies, but try to venture out and eat some fruits and veggies that you're not used to eating.  Preparation is a big thing... who knew pureed cauliflower with the right fixins is a great sub for mashed potatoes. 
4. Eat lean meats.  If you have to eat steak, ask the server which is their leanest cuts.  If you're making them at home, trim the fat before grilling
5. PORTIONS PORTIONS PORTIONS.... watch them!  Check food labels to see how much the label gives you nutritional information for... you'll be amazed at how much this will help.

That's it for now!  I'll talk about it in class more!  Don't forget to get measured!!


April 22, 2012

Solamente Por Ti

You always hear people saying that what is so great about Zumba is that there is no wrong or right way to do it. Now you can say no that's not the way you salsa or merengue, but honestly, as long as you're having a good time, who cares?? See that is the true beauty and draw of Zumba... you can do it any way you like but you are having such a good time doing it that if you get the step wrong it doesnt matter.  You don't have to look like your instructor, because that's not what's important... what's important is that you are getting a good workout.. solamente por ti.. only for you.

Now let me back up a sec and say that BAD FORM is not a good thing.  I don't know how many times I can say this (or how many times I have said it before.  When doing squats, knees never go past your toes; when doing ab songs or any song, keep your abs tight to protect your back; listening to your body when it tells you you are done, when doing weighted exercises, squeeze your muscles not your weights; same thing with leg exercises... and so much more... That's good form... bad form leads to injury.  And you're not having fun if you are injured and can't Zumba.  So, to practice good form, don't worry so much about staying on beat... make sure 1. that you are not hurting yourself in a bad way (like your joints feel like they are breaking) and 2. trust your body to know when something is wrong... the mind is a powerful thing and it can often convince the body what it can and cant do...

Moving forward... One of the things I love the most about Zumba is that it can be so personal.  You alway hear us saying "this is your workout."  It is true.  For anything in life to be effective, whether it is a diet (eating plan type) or exercise or new way of thinking ... it will not work for you if you do not make it your own.  If you don't make it a part of you in some way, shape, or form - it will not stick with you. 

Think about this idea in terms of faith.  Now I am not putting diet and exercise in the same category as whatever higher power you worship and your belief, because that is completely different.  For most of us, we hold our faith close to us and often cling to it as if it were tied to our very own breath. In a way it comes to define us.  We find a deeper connection with our faith and worship in our own ways.   Now for diet and exercise.  Own it like you own your faith.  Make it yours.  Solamente por ti... only for you.  Because then and only then will it truly stay with you.  We were given this one body - why not make the most of it?

This is where the numerous other posts come in... Remember when I got real with ya'll about not worrying about what other people thought of you and to focus on yourself for once? This is the same thing...When you're out there Zumba-ing, you can be doing it to lose weight, to tone up, or just get some regular exercise in so that you can live a long healthy life with your family... but remember - do it for yourself also.  Make it your own... solamente por ti... because there is only one you and your Z-fam loves you because of that.


April 19, 2012

New Logo!

Hey all... sorry for the wait... the new logo has been approved and we will soon be ready for production!! We are currently taking preorders, the shirts are (for now) lime green with blue/teal writing and will be a unisex type tshirt... contact me if you are interested in ordering one... We don't have a price yet because we are trying to find the best deal... estimate it to be $12- $15... we hope to make an order soon!!  so the real blog post will be up this weekend!

April 18, 2012


Sorry for not posting in a while everyone! Its been a busy couple of weeks.  I will have a new post coming this weekend.  In the mean time, here are some ZChicas events and news:
  • Zumbathon for Relay for Life:  South Rowan YMCA Saturday Apr 28th 9-12 $5
  • Zumbathon for Abigail Engle: Friday May 11th at First Baptist Church in Salisbury, 630-930, not sure on cost
  • Mayfest: May 12th, haven't nailed down the time yet or the songs we will be doing, but it will be for about 30 minutes
Angie is back with us, going slow but still coming! HOORAY!! Everyone keep an eye on her to make sure she's not doing too much... we don't want her away longer than she has to be!

New ZumbaChica shirts are in the works... not sure when we'll release the new logo, as it is still under editing, but it will be soon!  We think the price will be between $12 - $15.... Keep a look out!!

Til the next post!! Live Well!


April 5, 2012

Que Te Mueve?

Motivation is extremely important in our wellness journey, well in any journey.  So I have to ask you... Que te Mueve? What moves you?  And not just the great songs we do in Zumba, not the routines we do, or all the times we yell at you to move that booty.... what moved you to start this wellness journey? what moves you to keep going?

In the process of the journey we sometimes (with me its often, haha, j/k) lose motivation... either because we don't see results fast enough or we are just plain tired or some other thing causes us to lose focus... but in a long term wellness initiative, it is also important to set small "quickly" attainable goals.  For example, Weight Watchers asks you to set a goal for yourself at the beginning.  It usually is 5% - 10% of your current body weight.  It is a small attainable goal that you can keep one eye on while the other eye looks at the bigger picture.  Each small victory is another step closer to the larger goal. 

It is easy for me to sit here and write about goals and making them and keeping them, when in actuality, I know from personal experience, the act of doing these things is so so much more difficult.  Hence why the health/fitness industry is bringing in the big bucks.  There is a diet/plan for everyone with any and every kind of goal you can think of.  Here are a few:

  • Weight Watchers - individuals are given a set number of points based on their weight.  As they reach their target weight, they are under a "lifetime" plan.  It has worked for a lot of people
  • The Paelo Diet - individuals eat as our cavemen ancestors did.  This diet is high in protein (I mean real meat, not that 90% lean stuff), vegetables, and keeps processed sugar down to nil.  I know one person whose family has had major success on this diet.  I will see if she will give me a testimony because it is quite amazing.
  • The Belly Fat Cure/ABs Diet - individuals limit sugars and bad carbs based on science that has shown that these things can make you keep weight around the middle.  Also high in protein
  • South Beach/Atkins - also high protein and low carb
  • Body by Vi - I had to mention this, but it is still new to the weight loss arena.  As far as I know, they are meal replacement shakes that taste great and suppress appetite.  I don't know all the details, but I can hook you up with some folks that can tell you about it if you're interested. 
Now here are some workout programs that are out there:
  • Zumba - of course I had to mention our favorite high intensity-sexy-awesome workout.. haha...
  • P90X, Insanity - not for the faint of heart or weak of joints, but gets results... just be careful... I pinched a nerve doing something in the P90X exercises... but I know quite a few people who have gotten great results from it.
  • the Gym - oh the dreaded gym.  Exercise machines, free weights, weight machines, buff people who are intimidating as heck... yea... you can tell it is not my favorite place... but it also gets results.
I am 100% sure I have missed a whole slew of weight loss programs and workouts, but really... you guys are reading this because of Zumba.  And just like learning the routines in Zumba, a true wellness journey takes work - most of the time it takes hard work... because eating unhealthy is so easy - heck you can drive up to the bad food! All you have to do is keep your butt on the couch to be unhealthy.  

So yea.  Wellness is hard work, because the world makes it so easy to be unhealthy.  But who wants to take the easy road?  I was raised to believe that something I work hard for is so much more rewarding and it will stick with me longer.  It will make such an impression on my life that it will change the very fabric of my being.  That's what moves me.  The fact that I can move forward. That I am not stuck at where I am and I was given the CHOICE to move forward to be a better person, to have good health, to be there for my nephews when they have babies (hopefully when I am old and VERY grey) to spoil, to live a long and healthy life with my husband.  And to have joy.

In every day that we are given, when you are struggling to come to class, when that fast food meal is calling you.. ask yourself one of two things:  What If? and Que te Mueve? The "What if" comes from a previous blog post, but what moves you reaches further than just that moment.   And it doesn't matter what it is... Muevelo!


March 26, 2012

The Art of Losing (or Finding)

I was watching "In Her Shoes" with Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette tonight while eating dinner. Cameron read the following poem by Elizabeth Bishop:

One Art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster,

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three beloved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

-- Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.      

In the movie, she interpreted the poem as the author trying to seem aloof and detached while she "lost" things, because the truth was that she did not want to face the pain of losing what she loved the most. You all will now see what a big nerd I am, since this inspired me.  For the reader the loss could be a friend, a lover, a family member - or really anything we hold so close to us that we cannot bear the thought of losing it or them or him or her. 

Many of us put on airs to bury the true pain that we feel.  I do it all the time.  We smile through anything so that no one will know how truly something - anything affects us.  But in this we are hurting ourselves and possibly the one(s) we love the most.  By retreating inside, we lose ourselves.  And when we lose ourselves, we lose others. 

So, in the practice of putting ourselves at the top of the importance list, in this journey we are taking, do not lose yourself.  You are your own best friend, your own cheerleader.  If you do not support yourself, if you do not love you, you will never see the others that do.  Their love will never touch you because you have retreated so far inside because you are so afraid that it is false.and that you will lose them.

Be free, don't be afraid to try and to open up.  It will bring you joy and joy to those who care for you because you have joy.  Our new cool down has a line in it that says "... I just don't want you to be happy. 'Cause then you have to have something happening.  I want you to have joy 'cause can't nobody take that away from you." 

Keep those close to you who truly want to see joy in your life.  Bring them closer if you want to see joy in theirs.  If you have let them walk away from you, bring them back.  Do not be afraid to let them in.  Because trust me... losing is painful - no matter when or how it happens or how deep you bury it.  It will be there.  The only thing we are striving to lose are inches, pounds and dress sizes. 

Make a practice of finding.


March 22, 2012

Every Moment

In recognition of  Jill's dear friend and coworker, I dedicate this post to Ed Ristaino and his family, Jill and the entire CVOR team at CMC-NE.  From the little I learned about Ed, he lived a full life. We all should take example from that.

We often put aside things that should be important to us and our health.  I'm not just talking about our physical health, but also our spiritual, mental and emotional health also. We say to ourselves and whoever is listening "There isn't enough time in the day."  Yes there is.  There are things that have taken priority in our lives that should be the farthest things from our minds.  Sometimes our family bonds take back seats to our favorite shows or the busy schedule we keep our kids on to make them well rounded individuals.  Sometimes our work bonds suffer because we cannot let go of past grievances.  The bonds we make are what get us through the day - through life.  But it is often said that the things closest to us are the things we neglect so easily, especially ourselves. 

In this week I have been witness to a fact that none of us can escape.  Tomorrow is not promised - actually - our next moment is not promised.  And the sadness that surrounds this truth is indomitable.  But because of this truth, why not make every moment count? This is our one life - our one chance given to us to be who we are meant to be.  It is never too late.  The great thing about being human is that we have a choice.  We can choose to stay as we are or move forward.... I'm moving forward... I'm hoping you are already walking with me...

I do not believe for one moment that everyone is truly content with exactly who they are.  Honestly, you wouldn't be reading this blog if you were.  There is always room for improvement.  When we stand still for too long, we disappear.  We move too fast, we disappear.  Find that middle ground where you are not giving too much or watching the world go by you. 

Getting back to Zumba and our well being (I'm saying this in a holistic sense), don't wait to become active in every moment.  Next thing you know it will pass you by.  Every moment, every move, every shake, every beat of your heart, every bead of sweat - counts.   Just like in life, approach your wellness journey with intention.  Give it everything you have.  George Eliot said "Its never too late to be who you might have been."  So make choices in your wellness journey count.  If you find yourself standing still, look at everything you are doing (or not doing) that can help you move forward again.  A healthy you is a happy you.  So if you haven't started, get going on that full life.

So, in closure... live with intention, love wholeheartedly, cherish every moment. 


March 19, 2012

What If

Angela messaged me this past week with this idea. Even though I cannot seem to find the original article or video, it does not change the message. So all credit goes to her. Love you Angie! Get well soon!

Have you seen the movie "Letters to Juliet?" If not, this won't give it away - but in the letter that Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) writes to Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) she tells her that the words "what" and "if" are two of the most common words out there.  But if you put them together, they become heavy with meaning.  How many times do you or have you ask yourself  "What if?"

Those words are normally extremely heavy with regret.  They can bring to light paths that we did not take - opportunities that we missed.  But they can also be a catalyst to change.  They can be the words that we use in our lives to change our perception of anything that we do. "What if" can be the deciding factor that causes us to become more aware of what we eat, how we exerercise, and how many times we make excuses for not taking care of ourselves.

So the challenge inside this challenge now is to start asking yourself "what if?" 

What if I eat this cheeseburger
what if I don't exercise today or this week
what if I don't get enough sleep
What if I don't drink enough water

Like I keep saying (so much I know you're annoyed), awareness is a big thing.  By asking yourself any form of these questions again and again, awareness immediately becomes part of your life.  Because I guarantee you that you will feel justified in your decision to make a not so great decision but in the long run you will feel bad for doing it.  Then the "what if" becomes laden with regret.  Regret that you did not eat healthier and now you feel bad or you've gained back some pounds.  Regret that you didn't exercise and feel like you have to work twice as hard to make up for it (maybe) or that you did not lose any weight that week.  Regret that you are grouchy during the day because you didn't get enough sleep (as in your own fault, not because you were so busy with kids, family, etc) and the people around you are paying for it.  Regret that you don't drink enough water and your body starts to feel like a prune.

So think about the possibilities that asking "what if" can do for you, instead of to you.  Most people have enough regrets in their lives.  I know I have mine, but I won't bore you with those.  Don't add to yours.


March 14, 2012

Lets Get Real.

Lets get real about something - ourselves and our self images of ourselves.  And I apologize in advance if this gets long, but this is something that I feel really strongly about....

Now when I say "image," I am not talking about what other people could be saying about you.  Right now - in this moment - they do not matter.  All that matters here is you.  Go take a look in the mirror.  I bet you are assessing every single imperfection you may have, even ones you don't have.  Don't be embarrassed to admit it... I do it too  - we are not alone.

We spend so much time worrying about what other people think that we forget to think for and about ourselves.   The media has glorified a body type that is totally unsustainable in the real world without some SERIOUS work - and I'll let your mind go where ever it likes on that one.  Celebrities make us feel that they are the privileged because they are beautiful, well dressed, slim... and we are not enough.  When we look in the mirror we want to see a movie star or an athlete.  And when it comes down to it, all we see is ourselves. 

But you have to change that perception.  Powerful thing, perception.  It can build, create, and more often - destroy.  When we look in the mirror and the first thing we do is compare ourselves to someone else, we are destroying ourselves.  I say we, because yes, I do it too.  I will be first in line to tell you I wish I could change something about my appearance and the way I look in the mirror.  On days I forget myself, that way of thinking - that perception - really can get me down.  Most days, I don't care.  But there's the difference.  My perception. 

You see, the thing about self image is that you are in control of it.  You can loathe yourself everyday and then what? It will not get you anywhere.  Trust me, I know.  I spent most of my life thinking I wasn't good enough.  I tried to fit in in various ways but it ended up hurting me in the end.  I tried to make other people happy at my expense because I thought it would make me happy too.  Well guess what - none of that worked for me.  Then I found my husband - who, by the way, is the most wonderful man in the world.  Then I found Zumba and an amazing group of friends that I consider part of my family.  But the biggest change was that I really stopped caring what other people thought and got on with MY LIFE.  I started to believe in myself and look at me now.  Ten years ago, I would have never thought I'd be on a stage in front of you all shaking what the Lord gave me.   All because I changed my perception of myself.

At the end of our lives, when we answer for what we have done, we are responsible for ourselves - the choices we have made - not anyone else.  So, in saying that... I know you all are amazing people.  You are mothers, fathers (if any men read this blog), sisters, wives, daughters, sons, husbands, brothers...

But in all the roles we play throughout our existence on this Earth, make sure you are who you want to be or working towards it.  Be OK with who you are now, because God (or whoever you praise) gave you tomorrow to keep trying. 

Because you are enough. 

Don't let anyone tell you any differently.


March 10, 2012


Sorry for the delay... been a tiring week with a nephew's bday and having the boys with me this weekend.  Lets talk portions.

We live in a country where everything is supersized.  Our cars, our TVs, our food.. and ultimately, us.  Livestrong.com cited that in a 2010 study, the US ranked second in the world as the most obese country, not far behind Mexico.  I am not telling you this to discourage you, only to hopefully build on what I've already harped on already - AWARENESS!

Like I said a few posts ago, WW has helped me become highly aware and slightly crazed about what I eat and the amount that I eat.  I find myself looking at the nutritional data at the store all the time! It takes me twice as long to get out. 

Check out this image from the web about portions.  I know we cannot see the side information but the plates speak for themselves.  The plate on the left is what you get in most fast food meals.  It is 2 or more servings of what it "should" be - the plate on the right.  I haven't looked at a fast food nutritional chart lately, so I am not sure they go by servings or menu items.

Another reason for you to be aware of what you eat.  I believe if this was a Micky D's it would be a Cheeseburger Deluxe and Fries (I only know that because my boys like to eat those).  The fries on the right are not even a serving of the small fries on the menu.  So how much are we really eating when we order that value meal? or when we are eating out?   The suggested serving for a piece of steak (ribeye, strip, etc) is 4 oz, as with most meats, trimmed of the fat.  The smallest steak available at most steakhouses is 6 oz.  And though you might think that Chili's and other chain restaurants offer a 4 oz steak as a combo meal, it is exactly that!! A combo meal in which you are getting possibly 2 4 oz meat/protein servings, a side or two, smothered in some possibly high fat sauce to give it flavor coz they do not use the quality meat that a steakhouse uses. 

If you are a NE employee, you know that the health program we have at work offers some pointers on portions also.  They say that we should eat meals off of an 8-9 inch plate.  That's about the size of the plate the Olive Garden uses for salads.  If you do eat out, drink a couple glasses of water while you're waiting (think about skipping the bread unless its a must have) and save half of your food for tomorrow's lunch.  Its the little things that make the biggest changes...

There is a lot of information about how much a serving should be out there on the web.  Check out this website to see if what you think is a serving really is what the USDA recommends.   It gives visual aids as to how much a portion should be. 

Ok...ok... end of rant... watch your portions. 


March 6, 2012

The Dreaded Scale

One of the things we hate the most is getting on the scale.  For those of us who have been on the weightloss rollercoaster, that is the last thing we often want to do.  But suprisingly, we let that rule our perception of how our wellness journey is going.  You have to remember - the scale is not the end.  The weight reflected on the scale not only has fat but it has your bones, skin, organs, and the MUSCLE you get from ZUMBA and any other workout you do.  Muscle weighs more than fat because of the difference in density. 

You will find as you go along, and I say this only out of personal experience, that the scale may not move as much as you want it to or as fast as you want it to.  For the past year, because I did not watch what I ate, the scale moved up and down between the same 5 lbs.  With Zumba though, my clothes never got tighter - they actually started to fit better.  Look for the other differences in your body.  Look for your clothes getting looser or being able to fit in clothes that you haven't worn in a while. 

That's why we take your measurements.  Because the scale is not the end.  Its just a number. 

Just remember, it takes time and work.  Nothing worth achieving is ever done quickly.  Take your time - you and your body deserve it. 

Happy Tuesday!
See you all tomorrow at Zumba Tone - hope you're ready to work it out!!


March 1, 2012

See Past the End of Your Nose

So let's talk about something that can definately change everything about your wellness journey... now that the challenge has begun:

I'll give you the lowdown on how this epiphany came to me.  Jill and I joined a popular online weight loss program about two weeks ago.  Because we have been given a certain number of points per day, we found that within two short weeks we overly criticize everything that we put in our mouths.  When deciding what to eat, we always think about how many points it would be.  Now, because of this program, we are hyper aware of the food we eat.  This is the same kind of thing if you are counting calories and journaling about food.  By staying within a certain number of calories (and sticking to it over a period of time) and journaling it, you become highly aware of what you are eating.  You have "proof" somewhat of your good and/or bad habits. 

Think about it.  We often go for what is convenient even though we know it is not right for us and our families.  How often do we know we are taking a short cut that is risky? You take risk by waking up in the morning and getting into traffic.  Decrease the amount of risks you have control over - your health and what you consume or partake in that effect your health.

As I mentioned up top... awareness is a big deal.  Just like acknowledgement.  When you acknowledge that you need something - like to lose weight - then you have taken a step in the right direction.  You are aware of the need to change... now get to it!

So since you're here, reading my multiple rants, you've taken the next step in your wellness journey and have moved to action... well at least I hope so!  . 

No class Monday due to the Spring Break - but no slacking!  Go to the "Get Groovin" tab and shake that booty!!

Happy Friday! Hope you have an amazing weekend!


February 29, 2012

It's Time!!

Ok I hope you all have your game faces on!! The 2012 Summer Slimdown officially starts tomorrow!! If you haven't gotten your measurements/metrics in yet, don't worry... we'll get you in. 

There are no rules, just LIVE healthy for the next three months.  By then we hope that the changes you made during the Slimdown will have become habits for life! Remember to see the supplemental pages for extra tips!

Planning for the Slimdown's Day 1 Playlist to be BANANAS!!

I'll be posting some new stuff like recipes and such over the weekend... toodles


February 28, 2012

Counting Down!

Happy Tuesday!

It seems winter is not content to stay here so we all suffer with sinuses and allergies from the pollen... oh well... get out there and enjoy the weather... try to get some extra cardio in there with walking, running or just playing outside with the kiddos!

Great class last night everyone!!  I totally didn't mean to work our arms that much, but oh well... you'll love me later for it... (hehehe)...  Don't forget your (light) weights tomorrow... we'll be burning those calories with interval training and tone!

Summer Slimdown offcially begins in 2 days! Don't get worried if you haven't got your numbers in, we'll still take them into March.  I'll be bringing in some electronic device that will show you your progress once we get going... and don't forget if you've already been measured to send me your weight and height so that I can calc your BMI - dazumbageek@carolina.rr.com or summerslimdownNE@yahoo.com

Have a great day!!


February 26, 2012


Being the kind of person I am, I need facts before I believe in most things... so just so that you guys know... I'm not making the advice up that is put on this blog, it has and will definately always come with an accompanying source or website where I (or anyone who gives me info) get the information.  Trust me, I'm no fitness buff, guru, or anything like that - and anyone who tells you they are all knowing in the world of fitness or wellness should be struck by lightning... because we are all unique - there is no one right or wrong... what's right for you may not be right for the Chicka standing beside you... so I will be using a mix of resources to give you the information that we (I say we because I always consult Jill, Angela, Alisa and others) before I put most things on this blog...

Once again I cannot emphasize that if you are not moderately fit already, you should consult your doctor before and during your wellness journey.  If any of your joints (especially your knees) begin to hurt (not in this order or limited to), first make sure your shoes have a lot of support - and if they do not, buy new ones or get inserts.  Second, watch your form in class.  Often injuries arise because we are not watching our form.  Also, you'll get the maximum workout with correct form.  And absolutely LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! It will tell you when you have lost your mind thinking you could do that move.  Mine tells me that all the time. (sorry I had to laugh there)

So done with my rant now... I cannot emphasize enough how much we appreciate you coming to class with us and participating in the challenge!


February 25, 2012

Article: 5 Ways to Burn More Fat in Zumba Class

Borrowed this from the Shape Magazine Website:

Master Zumba instructor Staci Boyer's top tips to maximize your workout.
By Jessica Smith

Love Zumba? You're not alone! The Zumba program has helped melt the pounds and inches off 12 million Zumba-enthusiasts in 125 countries, according to the Zumba Fitness website. The Latin-dance inspired workout features fast and slow rhythms which, when combined, successfully tone and sculpt the body and burn fat.

We caught up with master Zumba instructor Staci Boyer to get her top tips for burning even more calories (and having even more fun) during your favorite Zumba class:

1. Let Loose Zumba is all about having fun, and joining the party, which is hard to do if you're stiff or self-conscious! The best way to burn more calories in class is to let go, have fun, and try not to think too much. "Letting yourself go will let the calories go!” Boyer says.

2. Maximize Your Arm Movement During the moves, be sure to fully extend your arms, Boyer says. You’ll boost your calorie burn and engage more muscles by maximizing your arm movements during class. "It's not that tricky and you can do a lot for your body by lengthening, raising, and extending with oomph."

3. Move Up and Down More “When your instructor takes you though a level change try and do it," Boyer says. All that up and down movement will not only boost your burn, it will also get your glutes, hips, and thigh muscles firing even more. “Sit into your moves, bend your knees, and go up and down and all around as much as you can—level changes burn calories!"

4. Work Your Booty "There is always a lot of booty shaking in Zumba!" Boyer says. "Just shake it—and shake it good (to best do this, see tip #1)." Boyer recommends pressing through your heels whenever you can to maximize the move’s booty shaping benefits.

5. Rock the Moves You Know So maybe you don’t have every move mastered yet, that's OK! You can still get a great workout as long as you rock the moves you’ve got! "Always accentuate the moves that you are actually comfortable with," Boyer says. “Make the most out of that shimmy you love, or the salsa step you have mastered. Feel confident in adding your own flair to the movement. If you know it, show it!"

February 24, 2012

What Do You Drink?

Lets talk about hydration - and not just your intake during Zumba, but your intake throughout the day.  It seems to be that a lot of people's concern is their mid-section - which is also one of the toughest parts of the body to slim down and train. 

Our bodies are like the Earth - we are made mostly of water.  We lose water throughout the day through urination and sweat during exercise or any other exertion.  There's a reason experts always say drink at least 8 8 oz glasses of water in a day - to replenish what you may lose.  For days you Zumba - take that up at least 2 or 3 more cups of water. 

Situps/crunches and ab routines can only build the abdominals.  The cardio can whittle away at the fat on the bodies - but your intake is what dictates how fast this fat melts away.  The easiest way to cut calories is to watch what you drink.  Unless you are drinking a protein shake, drinks like regular sodas, Southern sweet tea, and overly sugared coffees (hello Starbucks) are giving you several extra empty calories.  When I say empty calories, I mean that they are not satisfying your hunger, just tricking your brain into thinking you've got something on your stomach.

Regular sodas are probably one of the most damaging drinks to a wellness journey.  They are high in sugar and empty calories - which we do not need on our wellness journey The cola companies have gotten smart and made sodas like Coke Zero, Pepsi One, and the list goes on.  These sodas, though have zero calories and zero points, use fake sugars to sweeten their drinks, and we don't want too much of that either.  SO if you must have your soda, opt for a diet or "zero" product instead of the regular.  If you've got the willpower, then cut it out all together.  It will save your calories for those healthy meals and snacks.

I know that most of us cannot live without tea or coffee in some form.  Depending on the drink these also have empty calories.  Here's a link to Starbuck's nutrition guide for drinks: Starbucks Nutrition.  You'll find that the regular drinks start with the cappuccino at 90 calories for a tall (small).  But who really gets a plain cappuccino or latte? Most of us get mochas or carmel machiattos, right? Well those calories and carbs add up.  And once again, they are empty.  Coffee is a diuretic and can help you not feel hungry - but that's when the drink is mostly coffee, not mostly milk - like most lattes.  So if you must have a Starbucks or fancy coffee of some kind, opt for non-fat milk or soy, ask for a "skinny" which means they will use sugar free syrups (yes they have those), and go for a smaller size.  If you want to go native on coffee consumption - then go black with some Splenda. 

I don't really know much about tea, other than sweet tea is one of my favorite drinks!! But caffeine gives me breakouts so I limit all caffeinated drinks.  I know it is a favorite locally, so if you can't live without it, then opt for unsweet tea and add your own sugar or artificial sweetener.  Right now, I'm drinking hot teas in lieu of coffee.  Green and black teas have other good-for you effects on the body.

So to cap it off, limit your intake of "regular" type drinks and find the lowest calorie/fat option you can in your favorite drinks.  If you can, drink water instead of any of these drinks.  Most of the time its a mental thing, they make you think you physically needing the drink.  But definately drink at least 8 cups of water a day, not including any sodas, teas, etc.  Trust me, in the long run (and short), your body will thank you (and so will that waist line).  Oh and take it easy on the alcohol consumption... but that's another topic for another day!

Happy Friday!!

February 22, 2012


Happy Humpday everyone!

Can't wait to see you tonight at Zumba! Hope you are ready to burn some calories coz I've got a great interval playlist that will hopefully help burn some extra calories!  Be sure to plan for enough calories (or points) for your workout and to HYDRATE all day long! Dehydration can lead to fatigue in the muscles and cramps.  And the weather is not helping... I have a feeling that the basement is going to be a little warm today

Tip of the Day!
The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, after you've gone to the restroom, to get rid of any excess waterweight.  So if you prefer not to weigh in at Zumba (just take measurements) then you can email your weight in.  Just be sure to try to weigh on the same day each week or however frequent you decided to do so.  Make sure to include your ID number that you gave when you weighed in.  You can also write it down, take a picture, etc and bring it in.  We'll take your word for it...

See you tonight!


February 20, 2012

It Begins!

Great class tonight everyone!! my arms are killing me!! but that could be the 2 classes I did tonight...

Some of you have taken the leap and weighed in with Angela tonight... GOOD FOR YOU! There is still time so no worries!

Just a quick reminder... find me on FB or send me a message at SummerSlimdownNE@yahoo.com or dazumbageek@yahoo.com for your playlist requests!

Get your game face on for Wednesday's tone class because we are gonna work it!!



February 18, 2012

Get this Party Started

Hey all... your favorite ZumbaGeek here...
Let's get this party started!!
Here are the basics:
  1. Stop by between Feb 20th through Feb 29th to get your initial measurements in
  2. Get measured at your convenience... whether it's once a week or just at the beginning and at the end and anywhere in between
  3. Try to eat well, exercise often, and...
                                  Always remember:
this is the only one you have...
So live it up and ZUMBA it up!
~ M ~